Governing Board
The Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency, otherwise known as BBARWA, is a joint powers authority formed in 1974 to provide a centralized, environmentally friendly wastewater conveyance, treatment and disposal for the Big Bear City Community Services District, the City of Big Bear Lake, and County of San Bernardino Service Area 53B (member agencies). Governing Board members are appointed from their respective agencies and terms are for four years.
Our service area includes the entire 79,000 acres of the Big Bear Valley. Each member agency maintains and operates its own wastewater collection system and delivers wastewater to the BBARWA interceptor system.
Governing Board meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the BBARWA Administrative Offices located at 121 Palomino Drive. We encourage the public to attend meetings and provide input on matters considered by the appointed body.