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Public Records Requests

To request records in accordance with the California Constitution and the California Public Records Act (Gov. Code § 6250 et seq.), please complete and return this form. The Agency has ten (10) days to determine if the request seeks disclosable records in the Agency’s possession, which may be extended an additional 14 days with written notice (Section VII of the Public Records Request Policy). In some instances, the time may be extended by written notice if additional time is required to search for and collect the information requested, as set forth in the Agency Public Records Request Policy. All requests are subject to Agency legal counsel review to confirm legal compliance prior to releasing Public Records for inspection or delivery of copies. All dates falling on a holiday or weekends shall be recognized on the next business day.

Public Records Request Policy.pdf

Please provide sufficient detail to assist staff in locating the records you are seeking.


The Agency will respond to all Public Records Act requests in compliance with state law.

For copies of Public Records listed above, Agency copying fees or statutory fees for copying will apply. The requestor will be responsible for payment of all copying fees in advance of the delivery of any requested copies. Agency staff will assist the public in identifying the records and make every effort to locate the records in a reasonable amount of time. If more than fifty (50) pages are requested, the Agency may require a deposit before making copies.

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